
Hi People!!!!


This is a new blog to try an help these latiitudes to awaken to the New Golden Era in force now on this planet….. there is a lot to do … a lot to achieve.. and a lot of changes to come forth… So if you want to stay tuned with the rest of the world and the Universe about what this is all about.. you are very welcome!!!


Please note: no politics even though politics will be posted about since it concerns us all…no differences… this is a One Planet One Universe pro site… for a peaceful transition out of slavery into Divine Freedom… every human Divine Right…


Muuch Loove to All ♥


The site is in English but Im pretty sure interested folks will use translation tools for better understanding.. Always use discernment when reading… remember truly awaken beings hold all wisdom within.. no need for gurus  … however.. holding integrity and the highest values in harmony will follow the vibration of  One Love being showered now on this planet .. so let´s bring it forth and be part of it… free will always… but.. why not make the shift and be part of  it?? everyone holds their own answer in their own heart and soul…One Love ♥ add another page.

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